Having clear health and fitness goals is important for your success.
It’s been proven over and over again that properly formed written goals work, and that people that have written goals are more than 10 times more likely to be successful than people without written goals.
Imaging getting your car packed and staring out on your family vacation with no roadmap and no idea where you going to go. Someone once said that
One of the most effective and practical system for goal setting is called the SMART goal setting system! The acronym S.M.A..R.T outlines criteria that your goal should follow in order for it to be a well-focused and achievable goal. That set of criteria is:
Specific: Do you know exactly what you want to accomplish with all the details?
Measurable: Are you able to assess your progress?
Attainable: Is your goal within your reach given your current situation?
Relevant: Is your goal relevant towards your purpose in life?
Time-Sensitive: What is the deadline for completing your goal?
Use the S.M.A.R.T. technique to help you define your health and fitness goals:
1) Specific - set clear, concrete goals. Some examples might be losing 20 pounds, or overcoming a specific illness or physical limitation.
2) Measurable - identify markers that will indicate when you have reached your goals. If your goal is implementing an exercise plan, a marker might be doing a specific workout routine three times per week.
3) Achievable - ensure that your goals are realistic. Ask yourself the question of whether your goal is actually achievable or not! For example, setting the goal of losing 25 pounds in two weeks is not realistic (and definitely not healthy!).
4) Relevant - choose goals that are applicable to your personal development. Make sure that these goals are something you truly want, otherwise you chances are following through to completion are very slim.
5) Time-Related - set a timeline that will guide your progress. Specifying a goal for two years down the road is not as powerful a motivator as one that you set for the next 30, 60, or 90 days.
Once you have set goals for yourself that you feel comfortable with, share those goals with a close family member or friend.
Often voicing your goals out loud makes them much more tangible, and may increase your motivation for reaching them. The person you entrust with these goals could also become a cheerleader, someone to do cardio exercise with, or someone to help celebrate your successes.
Next you need to start believing that you really can achieve your goals.
Believe me, it’s absolutely amazing what so many others have achieved to improve their health, fitness, and the quality of their lives….. in as short a period of time as 90 days!
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